Since, the inception of ATOLLMARKET Private Limited on the 3rd September 2003, the company dedicated to promote a better tomorrow in the field of office automation. Initial effort was emphasized on Government projects and tenders. During the infant stages of the company, ATOLLMARKET concentrated on finding and understanding the underlying needs of our valued customers and clients.
In this regard, we have established strategic relationships directly with manufacturers and producers of office automated products to curtail unnecessary costs and to satisfactorily meet the high expectations of our well-understood customers and clients. Today, ATOLLMARKET is a more established company striving to provide better office automated products at better values. The elements of better value includes more than reliability, reasonable price and customer support. Cost reduction, easier repair and maintenance services, after sales services, advanced technology, warranty, technical expertise and availability of spare parts and products feed into the core elements of better value.To be a performance-proven market leader providing better products and services in the field of office automation.
To continually serve and sustain the needs and aspirations of our well-understood customers and clients in the field of office automated products and services.
To facilitate a more conducive and productive work environment, system and procedures through the commitment and competency of our employees. To view our business relationship with our business associates as a partnership by co-coordinating and combining our efforts, collaborations and contribution for mutual benefits and interests. To dedicate the betterment of our society by providing more advanced products and better services.